Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sakura Snow - A Poem for People Who Pass This Way

 Cherry Blossoms, Victoria BC
Gillian Cornwall, c. 2011

Sakura Snow

I passed a pom-pom poodle
rolling in sakura snow
pink licks on white
Do poodles bite?
His name "Fondant"
or "Cupcake"
or the like.

A child had chalked
upon a desk
an abandoned
roadside desk
in white on black
"Narwhal - Unicorn of the Sea"

My town
sensual circus
chalked flowers
coat the sidewalk
outside the IDA.

Elderly apparitions
of times gone by
tap my back
and winking, whisper,
"Carpe Diem - Seize the Day!
and don't forget
this was our town too
long, long before you.

This poodle,
this parade,
First People, 
I am belayed 
to wooden sidewalks
opium dens
gold and railway men
before this town was yours and mine
this town, this town
pink petals crossing time.

-Gillian Cornwall,  May 5, 2013.

With imagination, all is possible.
Gillian Cornwall, May 2013.

Victoria Day Parade, Victoria BC
c. Gillian Cornwall

Fan Tan Alley, Victoria, BC
Gillian Cornwall, c. 2011.

 Mount Baker, Victoria BC
Gillian Cornwall, c. April 2013.

Chinese Cemetery, Victoria BC
Gillian Cornwall, c. April 2013. 

Beautiful Old Buildings, Victoria, BC
Gillian Cornwall, c. 2011.


Hotel_Goddess said...

love it!

Gillian said...

Thank you my friend! :)