Sunday, February 07, 2016

The Rain Coast

 Rhododendron Spring - Victoria BC
Gillian Cornwall, c. 2007

I am re-posting this poem from June of 2014 as I am ardently awaiting the joys of Spring in the Pacific temperate rainforest: the colour, the wet explosion of life, as floral fireworks. The birdsong: an orchestral accompaniment to the perpetual gift that Nature provides in her capacity for giving life and sustenance. We must respect her, at the very least, we must respect her. I am grateful for the gift of life she gives - this heaven on earth. 

This poem is an ode to the great mother - giver of life. 

Every lick of colour
sopping springtime blooms
wet paint in every green
fills the canvas of my town

Splotching pinkest pinks
Camellia upon Camellia
the fair flower that leaps whole
to the grassy bed below

Rhododendrons grow as trees here
floral monsters in pastel
a million pink and purple tongues 
catching raindrops from the sky

Now I lay me down among you
on this verdant, spongy ground
raincoat and gumboot clad
wash me clean upon this land

-Gillian Cornwall, February 7, 2016
Originally posted, c. June 1, 2014

Brentwood Bay
Gillian Cornwall, c. April 2015


Unknown said... Hi Gillian. I've just posted an article on WattPad and would be grateful if you could have a read. Thank you for your poem, Spring is on its way...

Gillian said...

Hi Diane!
Thank you for your comment. I have read your post and left a comment. Thank you for letting me know about it.
All the best,